Ausstellungseröffnung - Mittwoch 13.04.2016 Offene BehindertenArbeit, Obere Straße 18, 97421 Schweinfurt Opening of the exhibition - Wednesday 2016-04-13 Offene BehindertenArbeit, Obere Straße 18, 97421 Schweinfurt

Dienstag, 24. November 2015

280a Renata Ghirotto - Brazil
280b Renata Ghirotto - Brazil

280c Renata Ghirotto - Brazil

280d Renata Ghirotto - Brazil

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hi, Anna Karina !
    Thank you for submitting the call notice.
    I was very honored to have my work published.
    It took us a long time to get back because we changed our address, and now we only get correspondence.
    Thank you very much for the opportunity.
    I take this opportunity to invite you our mail art call.
